Thursday, March 08, 2007

My wonderful sister Robin has started her own blog at:

So this makes me want to be more forthcoming with these entries from now on...

Today is like many other days but the radio in my car has been inoperative since last Friday... and I'm starting to enjoy listening to all that noise in my head.

And I now sing out loud to myself as I go down the road, never once thinking about how much this must alarm other motorists. The sight of this large man in a little black car zooming along mouthing and gesticulating...what a sight!

I'm leaving for Portland, OR this weekend and so tomorrow will be swimming day. Marc Robert and I have been swimming at the pool at our gym whenever we can, we've tried to make it a regular Friday event. Just he and I, sometimes we pretend to be Star Wars characters, sometimes we just splash around until we get tired. It's great dad time.